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What does BETA mean?

BETA version, collection beta, improvements, software, adjustments, suggestions, ideas, optimization

Updated over 12 months ago

BETA marked functions can be used in rare cases with only minor restrictions. Only on certain devices, it can lead to minimal display errors.

Think of the BETA version as a software version used in real conditions by real users to run the features through all possible hardware/software configurations.

The BETA version is a copy of the final product, designed to identify and report improvements so that everything works smoothly in the officially released software.

If you notice something wrong with a BETA feature or generally have another great idea on how we at CopeCart can improve our features even more, just drop us a message in the chat box below right or contact us with a short email to and actively participate in the development of our software.

We welcome your ideas.

Best regards

Your CopeCart Team

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