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Summary Product price/ free product

Minimum price for your product at CopeCart, 0 Euro, free of charge, minimum price

Updated over 7 months ago

The minimum price for a product on CopeCart is 1.00 EUR.

Products cannot be offered free of charge or for EUR 0.00. Offer your customers a free trial period so that they can try out your product without obligation.

Even when using a voucher code, there is a remaining amount of EUR 1.00 that must be adhered to.

Offer your customers a trial period during which they can test your product free of charge.

Do you have any further questions or suggestions?

Our support team is always available to assist you. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions. We are here to help you and ensure that your experience as a vendor at CopeCart runs as smoothly as possible.

We are looking forward to a successful collaboration with you!

Your CopeCart Team

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