9 articles
What does BETA mean?BETA version, collection beta, improvements, software, adjustments, suggestions, ideas, optimization
How do I delete my account?You can delete your CopeCart account yourself, Deactivate account, Deactivate account
How do I make a test order?Explanation for a test order and FAQ
How do I get my partner seal?Advantages and integration of the CopeCart Partner seal
How can I download my affiliate partnerships?Download affiliate data, affiliate overview
FAQ Product validationProduct rejected, product type, product category, reason for rejection, product approval, product released, product blocked, which category
KPI changes from 17.06.2024KPI, Cash flow - Changelog
FAQ: How do I find my username on CopeCart?Find Username, CopeCart Username, Affiliate Name, Account Settings, Profile Information, Forgot Username, CopeCart Help, Affiliate-ID
How to customize the language of the checkout formCheckout in English, Spanish, French, Order form, Check out, Change language