Basics for successful selling and advertising on CopeCart
16 articles
Get notified - Notifications of promotions in your CopeCart accountNotification of sale, defaulted payment, return debit, return, cancellation, paused subscription / installment payment PayPal, email
CopeCart as a resellerThe CopeCart reseller model simply explained, advantages with CopeCart
Your Dashboard at CopeCart
IPN documentations
Account types at CopeCartVendor, Affiliate, Joint-Venture-Partner (JVP)
KPI's of the mobile app dashboardExplanation of KPI's in your dashboard and how you can use them, view for vendors and affiliates in the app
Download invoice/ Create CSV fileTransaction overview/ Download invoices via your CopeCart account/ Create CSV file
DictionaryTerms, Definition, What is CopeCart
How do I create an account with CopeCart?Create an account at CopeCart, account settings, email verification
Order process/ Checkout optionsCheckout page, phone offer, phone sales, increase conversion rate, phone link, phone
Change your email address in your account: A step-by-step guidechange email, update email address, new email, change account details, change mail, new email
Security at CopeCart: How to protect your CopeCart accountData protection, password, data security
How to Unsubscribe from the CopeCart Newsletter
User validation (KYC) with CopeCartUser validation and KYC (Know-Your-Client Feature), verification, unlock account, receive payouts
Return policy at CopeCart: A guide for vendorsRevocation, return, chargeback, return period, right of return, B2B, B2C, revocation period, termination, withdrawal
KYC validation renewal - How to update your dataIdentity check, verification, document check, proof of identity, account verification, KYC renewal, customer data, data protection